Consultants | Pablo Salazar

Mr. Pablo A. Salazar is an affiliated consultant with, as a Process Authority, specializing in FCE/SID compliance for Acidified Food, Low-Acid Canned Food, and Aseptic Processed Food companies.

Mr. Salazar brings more than 45 years of experience to clients, including 40 years of work as a Quality Systems Manager in two facilities.  He has instructed and assisted many companies in quality systems implementation and evaluation, LACF/AF and Aseptic process development, HACCP implementation and evaluation, and audits and certification for all types of canning, frozen food, and aseptic plants.

Mr. Salazar’s experience allowed him to be a primary aid to FDA in developing its understanding of the canning industry in South America, and a significant contributor to the FDA LACF Team’s pilot program in South America.  He performed many trainings and facility audits during his assistance with this program, and worked with Doug Nelson and Steven Spinak (the LACF Team) in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Chile

Mr. Salazar received his science degree from the University of Chicago, and is a member of the American Society for Quality, the Institute for Thermal Processes Specialists, and the Institute for Food Technology.  Mr. Salazar is fluent in both English and Spanish.

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